
WHat is it?

Breathwork is a powerful tool that can regulate your nervous system, reduce anxiety, heal emotional blocks, manage stress and improve physical health. And out of all the practices I've done over the years, I’ve found it to be the most profound and gentle modality for wellness. Like a big hug for your feelings.

I offer re-birthing breathwork sessions, which uses a specific pattern of breathing to put you into an altered state and help you process complicated feelings. Clients report feeling mental clarity, less bodily tension and a renewed connection to peace and well being.

What I love most about the breath is that once you learn to work with it, it is always available to you in a moment of tension or struggle. You can work with the breath at home, in the car, in a restaurant bathroom.  Anywhere.

It is especially important to learn breathwork during pregnancy.

  • Not only can it help you deeply access your intuition and connect with your baby, it can also help you work through any fears or big feelings you have around birth or parenthood.

  • On a physiological level baby can press on your diaphragm during pregnancy causing breathlessness. Breathwork helps with that, flooding baby with oxygen as well, which is vital to healthy development.

  • Breath is also one of the most effective tools for managing pain during labor and learning it prenatally means it will be easy to call on in birth.

  • As a postpartum practice, breathwork can help you process your birth story and relax your nervous system during a time that can also be highly emotional.

How does it feel?

It has sent me into hilarious bouts of laughter.  It has brought me to tears as it revealed any feelings I was suppressing. It has inspired states of peace, forgiveness and happiness I didn’t know were possible.  Breathwork is the quickest way to feel into your intuition and release tension from the body. Everyone will experience it differently every time but no matter what, you will always finish a session feeling lighter, deeply rested and with new levels of awareness.

What can i expect?

5-10 session will help you get the most out of re-birthing breathwork.  I will help you learn how to do the breathing technique and to navigate the altered state it brings. We will work through any patterns of tension in your breath and you will come out feeling far more balanced.  You will learn how to incorporate breathwork into your daily life, whether that’s in labor or any other time you need it.  I am here to hold a loving space and teach you the tools necessary to help yourself when our work together ends. 



Together we will create a safe space for you to journey through your emotions, feelings and bodily tensions using the breath.  Each session includes 60 minutes of breathwork and 30 minutes of emotional processing to help you understand your experience.