
Herbal and Nutritional consults

… to support hormonal imbalance, fertility, pregnancy and postpartum depletion …

Herbs, food and lifesetyle choices are a vital part of your journey to wellness. These work especially well to support the delicate balance of hormones present in a female body and there is no better time than now to learn how to take better care of yourself.

These sessions might be for you if…

  • You struggle with pms, painful periods or other menstrual cycle difficulties.

  • You want information about how to optimize your fertility and prepare your body and mind for pregnancy.

  • You want to know the the best herbs, supplements and foods to eat during your pregnancy.

  • You’re feeling overwhelmed with all the changes your body is experiencing postpartum or you’re feeling burned out, especially if breastfeeding. Most women I’ve worked with- even when they go into pregnancy healthy- experience some depletion in the postpartum period.

We’ll go over your health history and set up a game plan with food, herbs supplements and other wellness practice recommendations. Because making simple changes to your diet and self-care routine can make a huge difference when it comes to your hormonal health, energy levels, fertility and the ability to recover after baby.

We’ll start with one consultation and determine your needs from there. This might be enough to lead you in the right direction, or you may need additional sessions to troubleshoot or stay on track.

I would love to teach you how to support yourself! Please get in touch for a free 20 minute phone chat to see if an herbal and nutrtional consult is right for you.